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Ootah Ka Machipuno



Protecting Our Land for Future Generations

Read our recent news coverage

We have been featured in the Winnipeg Free Press as well as on The Narwhal website. 

These important news articles detail how our five Cree nations are working together to conserve traditional lands.

Nov 7th 2024 Narwhal Article

Nov 1st 2024 Narwhal Article

We are uniting to create a new Indigenous Protected Area in our shared ancestral homelands

Our vision is to protect Kitaskeenan Kanatenihtakwuk — our sacred land — by following the ways of our ancestors to conserve, preserve, and honour all of Askiy that the Creator provided.

We, the Nayhenaway Ininisewinuk, are Cree people who are descended from the original inhabitants of Northeastern Manitoba. We are reuniting through this project to celebrate our shared ancestry while strengthening the protection of our homelands.

Learn More About Our Journey

Elders watching entertainment outside at our Five Nation Gathering in 2023. From right (front) to left (back) we have Mary Spence, Elizabeth Beardy, Margaret Beardy.
Elders watching entertainment outside at our Five Nation Gathering in 2023. From right (front) to left (back) we have Mary Spence, Elizabeth Beardy, Margaret Beardy.



ENGLISH TRANSLATION “It’s our work and we’re doing it together”

The Project

This land – Askiy – holds our culture, histories, language, and identity. It is our responsibility to protect Askiy by following the ways of our ancestors for the future generations.

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Weechi Atoskatamok

ENGLISH TRANSLATION “It’s our work and we’re doing it together”

Take Action

“Kitaskeenan” means it’s “all of ours”

– Flora Beardy, YFFN

We invite all people and organizations to join us in supporting Kitaskeenan Kaweekanawaynichikatek – Our Land We Want To Protect.

We invite all people and organizations to join us in supporting Kitaskeenan Kaweekanawaynichikatek – Our Land We Want To Protect.

Please sign the pledge below to let us know you’re on board with protecting the health of our lands, waters, and culture – for benefit of all beings: the wildlife, people, and the planet.